• How do I ensure the safety and functionality of my chargers?

At Longship, we've got your charger's safety covered through our robust tenant-level security. This system gives your organization a unique password, making connecting your charging stations to our platform a breeze. Remember, keeping this password secure is key to enjoying a smooth and secure experience.

  • What happens if the Tenant Secret needs to be changed?

In the rare event that the Tenant Secret needs to be adjusted, we are here to support you. While changing it involves some steps and might temporarily affect charger availability, we strive to make the process seamless.


  • Can I enhance the security of my charging stations further?

Absolutely! For an additional layer of protection, we offer charger-level security. This feature allows you to safeguard each station individually, offering peace of mind and minimizing potential disruptions. It's a proactive way to ensure each charging station operates securely and reliably.

  • How does the Charger Level security work?

This upgraded security feature focuses on individual charging stations. After connecting with our platform using the Tenant Secret, each station enters a "Pending" status. To activate it fully, add the Charger Secret via the Longship portal. This means that even if a Charger Secret is discovered unexpectedly, it only affects one station, preserving the integrity and functionality of your other stations.

  • How can I modify the Charger Secret if needed?

Just like with the Tenant Secret, changing the Charger Secret is possible. This change happens at the individual charging station level, ensuring your network remains as secure as possible.

Remember, we're here to help you maintain a safe and seamless charging experience at all times.