This page gives explanations on the dashboards available on the Longship platform.

Connectivity Status overview

The connectivity overview gives valuable insights into the status of chargers connected to the Longship backend. Chargers with an active websocket connection are labeled as "Online," indicating that they are currently active and sending/receiving data. Chargers without an active websocket connection are labeled as "Offline." By clicking on the "Offline" or "Online" labels, you can navigate to the chargers overview screen, filtered based on the selected status.

Operational Status overview

The operational status overview provides an overview of the number of chargers in each operational status. It allows you to quickly see how many chargers fall under each status category. By clicking on the operational status labels, you can navigate to the chargers overview screen, filtered based on the selected operational status.

Charge Detail Records

The charge detail records overview displays the number of charge detail records that were successfully roamed and the corresponding roaming target. This provides insights into which Mobility Service Providers (MSPs) are frequently used on your charging infrastructure. 

Top 5 revenue

The top 5 revenue chart showcases the five organizational units that generated the highest sum of both delivered energy and total price of charge detail records.