List and search

In the location overview screen, all locations are displayed. You can filter this list by entering (part of) the location name or address.

Location detail information 

A location consists of a collection of information that is needed in case a charger is at this location AND in case the charger is publicly accessible for EV drivers. For public chargers, information must be shared with roaming partners to enable drivers to locate the chargers through various channels, apps, and maps. Typically, chargers can be found based on address information, charging capacity, AC vs. DC, etc. To make chargers visible to EV drivers, certain mandatory information needs to be entered.

Locatie Id

A unique identifier for the location. This information is mandatory and is shared with connected roaming partners.

Public (roaming)

Information about chargers and locations is shared only when this switch is activated.

POI information

Address details and a phone number for driver assistance.

Geo location

Coordinates of the location. Generally, the coordinates of the entrance of the location, these coordinates are automatically entered when an address is entered in the lookup field.

The blocks Reimbursement and Fee type (tariff distribution) are explained in different articles.

Adding a charger to a location

You can add one or multiple chargers to a location in a single action, eliminating the need to enter address and other relevant POI information repeatedly.

To add a charger to a location, search for the charger and select it. Entering part of the charger's name in the search box will help find the right one. Selecting the charger will add it to the location.

When adding a charger to a location, additional information about the connectors (EVSEs) needs to be provided. This includes charging power, optional coordinates (if different from the location's), EvseId, and a physical reference (used to identify the charger for EV drivers, sometimes through a sticker with this reference).

Every connector is represented by a block like this.


The importance of the EvseId

The Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ID (EVSE-ID) is a unique identification code for your connector(s). This code is used by Mobility Service Providers (MSPs) and presented to EV drivers. It is often displayed on the charger as well.

The EVSE-ID consists of the following elements: the country code (2 letters), the Party-ID (3 letters), the ID type (always E), the ID of the charging station, and the ID of the charging point.

For example:

NL* (Country) LON* (Party-ID) E (ID E) 1111 (Station ID) 11 (Charging Point ID)


The first 5 characters are used to identify the Charge Point Operator (CPO) managing the charging station. This is known as the Operator ID, and it is chosen by the CPO.


When the location is saved and the "Public (Roaming)" switch is toggled, the charger is published to all configured roaming partners. From that moment, all cards available through those roaming connections are ready to start charging at this charger.