This feature enables tenants to use multiple operators for the same roaming connection. 

In this article we use the term operator to refer to an operator id: countrycode/partyid combination (e.g. NLLON). 

What is the EVSE / Operator ID

The Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment ID (EVSE-ID) is a unique identification code for your connector(s). This code is used by Mobility Service Providers (MSPs) and presented to EV drivers. It is often displayed on the charger as well.

The EVSE-ID consists of the following elements: the country code (2 letters), the Party-ID (3 letters), the ID type (always E), the ID of the charging station, and the ID of the charging point.

For example:

NL* (Country) LON* (Party-ID) E (ID E) 1111 (Station ID) 11 (Charging Point ID)


The first 5 characters are used to identify the Charge Point Operator (CPO) managing the charging station. This is known as the Operator ID, and it is chosen by the CPO.

Use case

Using additional operators could be convenient when you are a Dutch CPO with locations in the Netherlands as well as in Germany. You would normally need two roaming connections for this scenario; one for your Dutch locations (NLLON) and one for your German locations (DELON). However, by using this feature you can use the same portal and roaming connections for locations of both Germany and the Netherlands.


There are several requirements that need to be undertaken before you can use this feature:

  • Register your new operator:
  • After you've registered your new operator you should also register the operator with your roaming party
    • Hubject, go to: Administration --> Sub-Partner Management --> Add Sub-Partner
      • Hubject supports guest charging so an Authorize request will still be authorized by Hubject even though the evse is not known in Hubject
    • EClearing: Contact EClearing directly to register an additional operator
    • Gireve: Gireve does not support this yet. They plan to support this for Q4 2023 

How to use:

  • You can only choose an operator at the creation of a location. After you've created a location you are unable to change the operator. 
  • When you add a charger to a location the evse ids will use the operator you've selected at the creation process of a location