The charger detail window opens when a charger is selected in the 'Chargers' overview screen. It provides an overview of information and specific functionalities for the individual charger. At the top of the screen, you will find information about the charger for the last 30 days, such as uptime, energy delivered, number of sessions, revenue for the current month, and the associated entity.

  1. Under the 'General' tab, you can find and modify several settings::
    • Change the name of the charger as displayed in the screens.
    • Indicate whether any token is allowed to charge. Enabling this option means no validation will occur with roaming partners, and the session will always be authorized.
    • Check if a charger has been recently added. Newly connected chargers are initially visible to everyone, allowing the installer to place the charger in the correct organizational unit. Disabling the "Visible to any user" setting makes the charger visible only to users in the appropriate organizational unit.
    • View and adjust the organization unit (OU) to which the charger belongs. Refer to more information about OUs and how to add them.
    • See the valid tariff for this charger. You can search for the correct tariff in the input field. Tariffs can be entered under 'Tariffs' in the menu. Refer to more information here.
    • View the model, manufacturer, serial number, and firmware version, which are obtained from the charger's "BootNotification" message sent to EVesto after startup.
  2. Under the "Connectors" tab, you can customize your connectors' properties, such as voltage and amperage.
  3. Under the "Commands" tab, you can send commands to the charger. The commands panel allows you to assemble various commands from the OCPP 1.6 stack and send them to the charger. Detailed information about commands and OCPP in general can be found at

    Available commands:

  • Reset: Allows you to restart the charger. A "Soft reset" only restarts the application logic, while a "Hard reset" completely restarts the charger, often used to fix malfunctions.
  • UnlockConnector: Requests the charger to unlock a connector, allowing the cable to be removed.
  • TriggerMessage: Requests the charger to resend already sent messages, such as BootNotification, DiagnosticsStatusNotification, FirmwareStatusNotification, Heartbeat, MeterValues, and StatusNotification.
  • Change Availability: Allows you to adjust the availability of a connector, useful during charger maintenance. Setting the connectors to "Inoperative" prevents EV drivers from attempting to charge.
  • (Remote) Start: Allows you to remotely start a charging session. You need to provide the idTag and connector for this command, typically used by mobile apps to start a session.
  • (Remote) Stop: Allows you to stop an ongoing transaction remotely. You will need the transaction number for this command, usually used by mobile apps to stop a session or in case of charger errors.
  • Get Diagnostics: Advanced command to retrieve technical and diagnostic data. This command requires an FTP server. The charger copies the diagnostic data file to the FTP server.
  • Update Firmware: Advanced command to upgrade the charger's firmware. This command also requires an FTP server. The charger downloads the firmware file from the FTP server.


4. Under the "Message Log" tab, you will find an overview of all messages sent and received by the charger, including incoming and outgoing OCPP messages. This log is often used for troubleshooting and searching through messages. 

5. Under the "Configuration" section, you can view and adjust the charger's configuration settings.

6. Under the "Sessions" section, you will find information about sessions that have taken place on the charger. Refer to more information about sessions here.