Reimbursement and Tariff distribution are designed to export Charge Detail Records (CDRs) that are specifically focused on payment allocation. This simplifies administration and invoicing.

Below, Reimbursement is explained in more detail. See here for more information on Tariff Distribution.


Reimbursement is used to compensate (a portion of) the costs, usually to the person who pays for the energy used by a charging station. This can, for example, be an arrangement between an employer and an employee, where the employee is reimbursed for the costs per kilowatt-hour (kWh).


To configure Reimbursement, you need an integration with Deftpower.

To enable reimbursement, a location in Longship must be linked to one or more charging cards in Deftpower. This is why you need to connect a charging station to a location before you can use the Reimbursement feature. This doesn't mean you have to roam the location and can also be set up for private charging stations.

Step 1:

To set up Reimbursement, go to the EVesto portal and select "Locations." Here, you can configure Reimbursement by checking the 'authorization' box. You have the option to set up Reimbursement for a single charging card or for an organizational unit (OU). Choose the OU option if a group of charging cards at the same location should receive compensation.

Charging Card Level:

Enter the EMAID of the charging card you want to reimburse. This number can be found on the card or in your Deftpower environment. (Note: EMAID is different from UID and typically has the following format: AB-CDE-FG1234567-E)

OU Level:

To set up reimbursement at the OU level, your OU structure must match your OU structure in Deftpower. This configuration ensures that the reimbursement arrangement applies to all cards registered in Deftpower under the same OU. Select the correct OU from the drop-down menu.

To link your OU structure to Deftpower's, go to Configuration -> Organizational Structure and choose the appropriate OU, then click "External." If your Organizational Structure is correctly configured in both Deftpower and EVesto, you can select the corresponding OU here.

Step 2:

After configuring the correct EMAID or OU, you or the cardholder go to the Deftpower environment to set the desired Reimbursement tariff. The reimbursement tariff is usually equal to the electricity price paid for charging. When the cardholder enters the electricity tariff in Deftpower, it still needs to be approved by the CPO.

You can verify in EVesto whether the tariff is correctly set under 'Tariffs' -> 'Reimbursement' and select the desired tariff. This tariff will also be visible on the Location screen.


Now that Reimbursement is set up, you have various options for what to do with the location. You can choose to make the charging station available only for the selected Reimbursement card(s) or open it to other charging cards (roaming).

Often, in the case of roaming, 'Guest charging' is selected. This means that the charging station is open to other users, but the location is not publicly shared with MSPs (Mobility Service Providers).

If a charging card is used that is not configured with a Reimbursement tariff, the standard charging station tariff is applied. Since the Reimbursement tariff is linked to the location, it can be agreed upon that the electricity payer is also compensated during roaming sessions.

Reimbursement CDRs

After a Reimbursement session, two CDRs are always generated: a standard CDR and a Reimbursement CDR. Both are sent. The CDR is sent to the MSP linked to the session, while the Reimbursement CDR is always sent to Deftpower.

Depending on the agreements, the compensation is paid by the CPO, the employer, or Deftpower.


In the attached Excel file, you will find various scenarios for Reimbursement and tariff distribution that you can refer to for more insight.