On this page, an overview is available of all chargers that have ever been connected. In the list, you can search for a specific charger by entering the name or a part of the name into the search field and then clicking on the magnifying glass.

Advanced search

If you want to use more advanced search filters, you can click on Advanced search.


The advanced search allows you to add additional search filters such as Connectivity, Operational status, or Inactive only. This way, you can quickly search for chargers that are not connected or have a "Faulted" status. You can also remove chargers, see here for more information.


Add chargers

The Add button navigates you to the Add charger page where you can manually add a charger. This should rarely be necessary as a charger is automatically added when it connects with the Longship platform. More on adding a charger can be found on the Connecting chargers page.