NOTE: To determine the destination of the Charge Detail Record (CDR) an OCPP Authorize request is required for each session. Therefore it is best to disable the authorization cache function in the charger. Please reach out to us if you experience any issues on this matter.

To determine whether the charger can successfully connect to the Longship platform, consider the following checks:

  • Check if the charger has configuration software available.
  • Verify if the current manufacturer/supplier requires any special support or cooperation. Note that some chargers, like EV-Box, NewMotion, LMS, or Joulz, may have lock-in situations that require cooperation to move them to a different platform.
  • Confirm the type of internet connection used by the charger (ethernet/wifi or a SIM card). If the charger uses a SIM card unique to its network, it may need to be replaced with an independent SIM card.
  • Ensure that the charger supports the OCPP1.6 JSON protocol. Chargers with different protocols are not compatible with the Longship backoffice.
  • Procedures for connecting a charger on-site:
    • Edit the configuration settings using a laptop directly connected to the charger via a cable.
    • If needed, replace the SIM card with a suitable one.
  • Procedures in the backoffice (Connecting chargers to EVesto):
    • Add a new Charger.
    • Configure the charger's location details.
    • Set up tariffs for public chargers.
    • Test the visibility and functionality using an MSP (Mobility Service Provider) app. The charger should be visible if you've published the charger.